Build Your Dream

WINIJE International Company (Pvt) Ltd

Expert in Material Testing & Geotechnical Investigation

Build Your Dream

10 Years Of Undefeated Success

Winije International Company (Pvt) Limited is a specialist Geotechnical / Engineering Geological company with a team of qualified and competent Engineering geologists, Material Engineers and Civil Engineers. Our goal is to provide our clients with sound technical advice suited to their project in a timely, cost efficient design and foundation construction method for any given development. The analysis of these characteristics, and the effects they impose on a development, can limit the cost of overdesign and reduce the risk of structural failure which may lead to loss/destruction of property and/or life.


Successfully Project Finished.


Years of experience with proud


Revenue in 2022 investment


Overseas Projects

Build Your Dream

Quality Services

Geotechnical Investigations

All Geotechnical investigations and field tests are carried out for different kind of soil and rock formations including Highways, Bridges, Buildings design and construction stages.

Bore Hole Investigations

Set of borehole drilling machine capable for drilling in all kind of environment such as soft ground, hard rock and aquatic systems.

Angle Drilling

Determine the bearing capacity which is the strength of the soil. The result obtain from the test provides a rough estimation of the soil layer at a point.

Test Pit Investigation

Digging a test pit on your land helps you get a sense of whether or not the development location can support upcoming construction. A test pit can uncover: Soil contamination. Buried structures. Unsuitable soil conditions.

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Test

The Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is used to determine underlying soil strength by measuring the penetration of the device into the soil after each
hammer blow.

Field Density Test

Soil field density test measures relative density of soil which has been compacted using compacting equipment and the result of this test is expressed in %


Geotechnical Investigations and Material Testing services

Our Vision is to be the technical advice to total design and construction package in our clients.

We Follow Best Practices

Our Mission is the key to successfully and cost effective foundation and ground design.


Transform Communities Across the Globe

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About Founders

We Are Leading International Company In The World

Steven Marks


Lara Smith


John Doe


About Founders

Our Latest Works

Valachchenai fishery harbour

Grid Power Station at Polgasowita

JCT Colombo Fort

Economic Centre Kaduruwela

Whar Our Clients Say




Indunil Wanigasekara

(BSc (Sp.) in Geology and MSc in Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology)



Jayalath Gunathilakel

(BSc and MSc in Material Science, AMIE (SL))


Wipula Nawarathne

(BSc (Sp.), MSc in Environmental Science, MBA).



Prof. H.S. Thilakasiri

BSc Eng(Moratuwa),MSc(Lond),DIC,PhD(South Florida), CEng, FIE(SL), PEng(SL)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.